What does it mean to be a not-for-profit theatre?
At the most fundamental level, it means that 100% of the dollars we receive are directed back into supporting our work, rather than being paid to anyone as a profit. It also means that we are “owned” by the community, governed by a Board of Directors, and we exist to serve that community through our plays, education programs, and accessibility initiatives.
How vital is your support?
It is essential! Because Kudzu Playhouse is committed to keeping tickets affordable, revenue from ticket sales only covers roughly 65% of the cost of producing our season of theatre. We must rely on the generosity of businesses, foundations, government agencies and individuals like you who recognize Kudzu’s value to the community.
Make A Donation
Please help Kudzu Playhouse continue to provide quality, affordable live theatre to our community.
Did You Know?
100% of all donations are fully tax-deductible and go directly to Kudzu/Kidzu productions & educational programming.
All charitable contributions must be postmarked by midnight on December 31st to be counted for your annual taxes.
Donate Online Now!
Support Kudzu every time you shop online
AmazonSmile is a simple way to support Kudzu Playhouse every time you shop, at no cost to you. Select Northwest Mississippi Theatre Guild (aka Kudzu Playhouse) as your charity of choice when you register at smile.amazon.com.